LOGISTAR Users’ Board webinar!

LOGISTAR Users’ Board webinar!

Join LOGISTAR Users’ Board webinar!

On behalf of the LOGISTAR Consortium, we kindly invite you to participate in the first Users’
Board webinar to present and discuss the outcomes of the LOGISTAR project on effective
planning and optimization of transport operations in the supply chain.
The webinar that will take place on Monday 9th March 2020 from 15.00 to 17.00 CET is open
and free of charge for all interested stakeholders.

On this occasion findings of the project related to the users’ requirements, data driven
business opportunities identified and data sharing, storage and security will be explained.

If you are interested in joining register for the webinar here.

Here is the link to connect: https://meet.google.com/fre-onzk-kap