Business Treff “Logistics and AI” – 2nd December – Expat Center, Vienna



Data Management and Smart Algorithms for Optimizing Transport Operations

Digital transformation, especially methods of applied AI as well as new data collection and management techniques, are heavily impacting supply chain management and transport operations. The reliability and efficiency of logistic services can be improved and become more plannable.

In this event companies and organizations from Vienna will give an insight in their current projects in this field. Furthermore, the project LOGISTAR will be presented. Its goal is to develop a decision-making tool and a real-time visualization tool of freight transport. The project partners will also attend the event. After the talks there will be the opportunity for detailed discussions and networking with international as well as local participants.



Business Treff “Logistics and AI”

When: 2nd of December, 5pm – 8pm (Registration 5pm, Talks 5:30pm)

Where: Expat Center, Schmerlingplatz 3, 1010 Vienna



5:00 Registration


5:30 Start

  • Welcome

Lena Reiser and Georg Sedlbauer, Technology Services, Vienna Business Agency

  • thinkport VIENNA (tbc)
  • Austrian Federal Railways (tbc)
  • Predictive Risk Intelligence For Scm Lisa Smith, Prewave

Martin Kaltenböck, Semantic Web Company and Leire Serrano, Universidad de Deusto


6:30 Discussion


7:00 Networking and Fingerfood











Die Informations- und Vernetzungsangebote werden im Rahmen des

Projektes „IC3 Innovation by Co-Operation, Co-Creation and Community Building“ aus Mitteln des Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung kofinanziert. Nähere Informationen zum IWB/EFRE-Förderprogramm